Test specifications
Nick Trauelsen
Available Language(s):








20 questions

Suggested timelimit:

20 minutes


General knowledge


Creating Ads

Terms and descriptions

The Kandio Method

Kandio’s assessment tests let you assess the candidates, employees, agencies or freelancers you have concerning any Facebook advertisement tasks that you might have.

Remember that Kandio offers guidelines on which Facebook marketers to proceed with, and which ones to discard. Kandio will give you reliable directions about things advertisers should know about, but an advertiser can be qualified, even if he does not know about all of these things.

We suggest that you use our tests before your interview process to know which ones to actually talk to. The final Kandio report should be a piece of conversation with the strong candidates, rather than a disqualifying process in a late stage interview process.

The two branches of Facebook marketing, and how we test

You can divide Facebook marketing into two main categories:

  • Organic Facebook marketing. All the unpaid marketing efforts you make on Facebook, where you don’t pay for extra reach and impressions. This includes posting content and replying to messages (inbox and comments).
  • Paid Facebook marketing. All the paid marketing efforts you make in Facebook’s Business Manager, mainly in Ads Manager. This includes choosing campaign objects, setting budgets and target groups, choosing the right creatives, as well as analyzing the incoming data.

This test considers only paid Facebook marketing.

So why do we do it this way?

Organic Facebook marketing is often guided by content and the stories that a company wants to tell about their brand persona, and not about making sales or conversions. Paid Facebook marketing, on the contrary, is more focused on gaining customers, and it is carried out in Facebook’s Ads Manager, with a lot more possibilities and in-depth data insights.

Working with paid Facebook marketing, you have a wide range of tools available. A candidate may know a few possible strategies in Ads Manager that move towards the desired goal, but if their knowledge is limited to the most basic approaches (ie. Facebook Page Insights or Boost), they may not obtain the desired results.

How would you use this test?

This test has several use-cases.

  • Assess Facebook agencies and their respective specialists within their field and know about their Facebook marketing capabilities.
  • Test current employees about their knowledge of advertising on Facebook.
  • Assess possible future employees to see if you should qualify or discard them.
  • Test freelancers and other marketers. A lot of people call themselves social media experts these days, and it can be hard to distinguish quality work from damaging strategies. This could give you a hint if you should work with a certain person.

Which areas do we assess in this test?

We have 3 main responsibilities tested in this assessment.

  • Matching goals with the right objectives
  • Detailed functions of certain ad types
  • Knowledge of targeting options and their features

These 3 areas have been divided into 4 core areas of Facebook advertising.

We hope this test will help you the way it is helping us. Please reach out if you have any questions regarding the content, questions or anything else.

Which areas (chapters) will be covered in the test, and why was it chosen that way?

General knowledge


Creating Ads

Terms and descriptions

Made by one of the leading experts

Nick Trauelsen

CEO, The Marketing Guy
Renowned Keynote Speaker

Having to work with hundreds of startups,
I’ve developed my own success radar that tells me which startups will hit or miss.
That is why I contribute to Kandio.

See my full profile