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25 questions

Suggested timelimit:

36 minutes


Development Tools

Enhanced System Integration

Application Components

Threading and App Resources

Data Persistence

Testing and Debugging

User Interface and Experience

Android Assessment Test: How it is structured and how it can help you hire your best candidate

Android is widely used in today’s technology. With the continuous improvement and development, Android developers are becoming more and more available. But all Android developers have different skill sets that fit your qualification requirements.

You can use this Android assessment test to assess your candidates who are vying for any position that is focused on Android. Whether you’re hiring full-time, part-time, freelance, or third party agencies, when it comes to testing Android proficiency, our Android Assessment Test can help you screen your candidates and identify the best candidates that you can consider.

The chapters and areas in the assessment test were structured to help you assess a candidate’s overall competency on the different areas involving Android. The reports that will be generated from this test will help you have an idea of a candidate’s competency in these specific areas.

Which use cases can customers have for this test? / Who can users use the test?

The Android assessment test lets you assess anyone concerning any Android task you might have.

All questions in the test are framed keeping in mind the big picture of the Android framework and should be known by any Android developer who claims to know Android, irrespective of the language (Java or Kotlin) being used while developing Android applications.

By using this test before shortlisting candidates for interviews, you are saving yourself time and effort. The final assessment report should be a piece of conversation with the strong candidates, rather than a disqualifying process in a late-stage interview process.

Who can benefit from this test?

  1. Any company looking to build an Android application using Java or Kotlin or both can use this test.
  2. Any hiring manager looking to assess a range of candidates based on core Android concepts.

The Android assessment test aims to help you evaluate if a candidate is aware of the pitfalls and complexities of using the core Android concepts that are used to build any Android application that meets the industry standards.

Which areas (chapters) will be covered in the test, and why was it chosen that way?

Development Tools
Knowing how to use your tools is a critical part of doing a job well. Android Studio, is the single most important tool for Android developers, and it includes a wide variety of features that empower developers to work effectively and assure software quality through testing.

Enhanced System Integration
Displaying notifications, using pending intents, and working with widgets are the major features that an app should integrate and should work system-wide.

Application Components
Activity, Service, Broadcast Receiver, and Content Provider are the four Android components found in the Android framework. These are the essential components in Android that an Android developer must be aware of.

Threading and App Resources
Every Android application performs tasks, and if a task requires a lot of system resources, you run the risk of freezing the application. Utilizing system resources and putting them to work in the most optimized way is very essential for a healthy app.

Data Persistence
Android provides several options for you to save your app data. The solution you choose depends on your specific needs, such as how much space your data requires, what kind of data you need to store, and whether the data should be private to your app or accessible to other apps and the user. As an Android developer, you must know how to preserve your app and user data either as files on the device, in key-value pairs, in a database, or with other data types, and share data between other apps and devices.

Testing and Debugging
Testing and debugging your app is an integral part of the app development process. By running tests against your app consistently, you can verify your app's correctness, functional behavior, and usability before you release it publicly. While debugging you can understand the data flow in your code and henceforth fix any runtime errors.

User Interface and Experience
Your app's user interface is everything that the user can see and interact with. Android provides a variety of pre-built UI components such as structured layout objects and UI controls that allow you to build the graphical user interface for your app. With intuitive user interface comes the great user experience.

Made by one of the leading experts

Sriyank Siddhartha

Pluralsight Author
CEO at Smartherd

I always follow a “share and gain” principle – a principle that happens to describe what I do with Kandio.
By sharing my knowledge through Kandio’s assessment tests, I’m helping other businesses gain a great addition to their team.

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